Our Recommendation on our 27th Anniversary

It’s December 29, 2013. We’ve been married 27 years today.  Incredible…God.

We were talking the other day, doing a little math, and realized that we are approaching the time that we’ve been walking the holy road in our marriage as long as we walked the selfish road in the beginning.

That feels good.  Reconciliation feels good; and we’ve been at it for a while now.

Marriage still takes advanced relationship skills.  Neither of us got a lobotomy for our marriage to improve.  We are not on a better road because we quit doing those things that annoyed the other – though we still make some effort at that.  We are not still together because one of us decided that we would change to become like the other.  On the contrary, we know it is great to be married to somebody who is significantly different.

We are walking this road of togetherness because we began to focus on living the Fruit of the Spirit instead of the works of human nature.  We live together in a better way because we want Jesus to have his way instead of us having our own way.  We have found that the very things that make us strong Christians also make us stronger spouses.

We highly recommend this for you.

Richard and JeannaLynn May

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