Marriage is Not Pink (For Men)

Men, marriage is not pink. Your marriage is not your wife’s relationship to direct, worry about, and operate. It belongs to both of you. Therefore, men need to:

1. Make decisions mutually – don’t leave 90% of the decisions up to her. That wears her out.

2. Engage enthusiastically in activities with her and your children – even the ones you are not so excited about.  Activities that is.  You should be excited about all of your kids.

3. Learn something. Continuing education in marriage is critical. Read something. If you don’t read, get an audio book for Pete’s sake. Watch a video. Set up a weekend at a Marriage Roadshow or other marriage event.

4. If things get bad, you call for help. See our contact info at the “Contact us” tab.  Nearly every man that calls us ignored his wife’s request 5 years ago. Lead the way to getting your relationship out of the muck.

5. If she gets upset and raises her voice, she’s likely just acting out of her panic about your relationship. Don’t be a weenie; stay out of your shell and engage with her. You’ll put her at ease and get to the make-up sex a lot faster that way; and it’s likely that she wants that just as much as you.

— Richard May

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